
The distance between my reality and my mind

I sense a great distance between what happens around me, and what I assume would happen around me. Sometimes, I feel relieved, delighted, apathetic about the distance. Sometimes, I feel upset, exasperatede, aggrieved about it. I created this website with the wish to somehow construct a bblackhole to absorb the various experiences and thoughts I harbour in response to that distance. I realise that a long time after writing them down, re-reading them makes me feel so distanced from the me then. I guess I'm constantly moving further away from something, while moving closer to another.

There are many things I include here which I find it hard to categorise. But I think that's normal. I hope you enjoy touring this website!


Here are the list of places you can wander to in this website (don't be alarmed if it's still too little, it's still new):

The creative writing spot

Pictures that Move

Real-life things I realise it's real


website done just for fun